By Coach Jill (Calgary)
Approximate Reading Time: 2-4 min
Wendy reached out to me after several months of following @restorehumancalgary on Instagram. She and I had done in-home personal training several years prior, but now hold sessions via FaceTime as she is in BC and I’m in Alberta. Wendy and her story are the embodiment of the Restore Human ACHE model.
During our initial phone consultation, Wendy revealed a lot had changed with her physically since our previous training. Due to long hours on the computer within her demanding role as a VP at a private post secondary college, she was still coping with aggravation in her neck. Now, however, activities she once enjoyed such as snowshoeing, and even just walking, caused unbearable pain in her right hip. This pain had led to her getting an MRI, which showed evidence of high grade partial tears in the gluteus minimus and medius tendon insertions as well as irregularities most likely due to degenerative changes. Wendy was also diagnosed with chronic bursitis around her shoulder blade. When we spoke she shared that she had gone to physiotherapy, but didn’t find that it helped.
Most concerning, however, had been the onset of a tremor in her right arm. Wendy underwent a host of tests to determine the cause, ruling out brain tumor or trauma, and was eventually told it was probable she had Parkinson’s. Without the presence of other symptoms of Parkinson’s, a solid diagnosis has not been made, and at this time she still does not have an answer as to what is causing the tremor.
Prior to contacting me, Wendy’s awareness launched into her own brand of self-care trying to pinpoint the underlying cause of her tremor, and what made things better or worse. She explored different movement practices before settling on a short daily yoga routine to help start her day. She committed to the 40 day Wim Hof breathing and cold shower challenge, took infrared saunas, and educated herself on keto and paleo nutrition as it felt right for her. She researched various practitioners outside of Medical Doctors to get to the bottom of a tremor that injects her activities of daily life with pain, loss of quality movement, and downright freaking annoyance.
As her curiosity grew, she knew she needed more smart movement practice and someone to help her hold herself accountable to do the work. Now we spend our sessions together with an acute awareness of joint position, and a high alert focus on quality and appropriate load so as not to aggravate her shoulder. As with anything, some days are better than others, but we can usually get the job done by implementing solid isometric work. We are making mind-body connections as a result of her consistent hard work (and of course all with an element of play and good humour).
The habituation of adding joint circles to Wendy’s daily practice has increased her range of motion and brought even more mindfulness to what’s happening in her body. Wendy can now enjoy short walks without pain, is making incremental gains in her shoulder mobility, and can ‘quiet’ the tremor by incorporating self release techniques.
She’s also created an evolution revolution in her home work environment. As COVID-19 changed the working landscape, Wendy found herself working at her small kitchen nook which did not allow for movement adjustments, and tied her to a compact space. She and her husband decided to take advantage of their empty nest, and cleared out a room in their home where she could have her own space. With the addition of an adjustable standing desk, Wendy is proud to share that she is now able to incorporate squats into some of her calls!
As a coach I am immensely grateful for Wendy’s commitment and trust in the Restore Human Method. Her determination is a beautiful reminder that success is not only measured by “stronger” and “faster”, but also by perseverance and resilience.
- Coach Jill (Calgary)