• Restore Human Master Coach

  • Partner at Restore Human

  • International Instructor

  • Kettlebell Accredited

  • FRCms

  • Decades of self directed movement study

  • Numerous workshops

  • Thousands of training hours in London, Vancouver and via online Coaching

We call him the Professor, Keshava (Kesh for short), is a wealth of knowledge and a key contributor to the back bone of the Restore Human Method. Having studied Economics and Business in London (Westminster and Oxford) Kesh decided to take a non traditional route as a career. His passion became physical training and there he applied his intellect and analytical skills. That journey took him down the road of embracing not only teaching training methods but also the physical literacy components behind that training. Empowering others through improving knowledge and physicality.

Having been a Coach for over 15 years, Kesh comes from a background of martial arts and football (soccer), as well as representative cricket for English Schools. Kesh has also trained further in boxing and competitive stick fighting.

Kesh’s coaching style, as well as his personal practice, is a composite athletic program based around mobility development and movement work borne of martial arts, gymnastics, kettlebells, bodyweight, and traditional resistance tools. All of these elements help to inform the Restore Human Method itself. We take the best from many different modalities and use that to ultimately help you get you stronger, more graceful and resilient.

He has worked with everyone from CEOs, film stars, retirees, children, athletes and more than likely someone very similar to you. His experience is extensive.

Kesh’s goal with any person walking through the Restore Human door is to equip them with a thorough ability to resist injury, develop a greater range of motion, and to create a human with a wide array of movement potential.