By Senior Coach Dave
Approximate Reading Time: 2-4min
There wasn't much to do growing up in rural Ottawa except to play sports and run around with friends. I have distinct memories of all the neighbourhood kids playing together after school for hours until our parents came yelling for us (pre-cellphone days). Movement was ingrained in my life. Then at age 13, Ankylosing Spondylitis began to inhibit my ability to freely move.
Ankylosing Spondylitis, also know as AS, is an autoimmune disorder that generates systemic inflammation in the axial skeleton. The onset symptoms are mainly chronic pain, stiffness, and fatigue. Over time, the condition will cause the spine to fuse in a hunched position also referred to as "bamboo spine". AS is largely hereditary and often associated with having the HLA-b27 gene. My father is fully fused and has not stood straight in 30 years. He is a classic example of someone who worked obscenely long hours behind a desk at the sacrifice of his physical health. Doctors say there's no cure for AS - only management protocols that include medication and staying active.
After my AS had manifested, it quickly became a question if I could walk without pain that day. Sports came to a full halt while I kept trying to limp around in the gym to maintain some level of activity. I pursued Kinesiology in hopes to learn how to improve my condition and even more importantly to help others from experiencing the same. The stress of school exacerbated my symptoms and it was time to intervene with some heavy-duty medication - biweekly immunosuppressant injections. The medication greatly helped but at the expense of a long list of potential side effects that included a drastic increased risk of cancer. As I rejoiced in being able to move pain-free again, I worked at various health clinics during my co-op work placements and found a strong passion in helping others to overcome physical challenges. Every case of someone living in pain hit very close to home for me.
Walk! Try to walk as much as possible. Take the dog for a walk, get the family out walking with you, take extra laps around the mall if you’re out shopping.
Take the family ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing or sledding. Enjoy some snowy activities!
Go for a hike! Instead of sitting around watching TV, get the family out for a hike. Connect with nature!
Plan a few whole body workouts that you can do at home. Get the family involved. See who can do the most push-ups, hold the longest plank or who can complete the most squats in 60 seconds. Play tag, toss a ball around. Make it fun and playful!
Life without medication never seemed like an option until I spent a week learning from Wim Hof. After 8 months of religiously practicing the Wim Hof method (cold exposure and breath work), I got off my medication - at the disapproving nod of my rheumatologist. I was no longer a victim of my condition. The most important step to combatting AS is to mitigate the inflammation. I had previously done this through medication and now it is managed through the Wim Hof method.
After the body becomes desensitized to pain, it's important to follow a fairly strict regimen of movement/mobility, strength training, adequate sleep, stress management and proper nutrition. These are critical, beneficial factors that are often overlooked by many specialists. Doctors do a fantastic job to get us out of a pain with medication, but it's up to the individual to pursue optimal health and a higher quality of living.
Consistent movement/mobility is like moisturizer for our insides as it keeps us from feeling too "tight". Strength training is necessary to build/maintain muscle mass, increase bone density, and regulate our hormones. Adequate sleep allows our body to recover from the day's physical and mental stresses. Stress management keeps our primary functions at an optimal level by keeping us less in a sympathetic state. Proper nutrition fuels our body to function more efficiently. Keep in mind that finding proper balance between all these lifestyle factors happens over a long span of time. Focus on one thing at a time and celebrate the small wins. It'll pay off in the end. If you live in pain and feel like you've lost hope, please reach out - I'd love to help!